It's time to stop short-changing women
  • EPD Alliance

Equal Pay Day 2024 - Monday 19 August 

Read announcement media release from Workplace Gender Equality Agency 1st July here  

Equal Pay Alliance          

The Equal Pay Alliance represents Australian employer and employee organisations, including business, union and community groups who have joined together to pursue practical action to ensure women’s work is properly valued and that decades of inequity are brought to an end.

Recently, the barriers holding women back from earning, saving and being valued fairly at work have been examined by several government reviews and parliamentary inquiries.

The Equal Pay Alliance is campaigning for the following:

  • Flexible work arrangements that don’t trade off wages and conditions for women and men with caring responsibilities
  • Improved quality, accessible and affordable childcare including out of school hours care
  • Improved equal employment opportunity practices in workplaces
  • Meaningful reporting by employers of equal pay and employment opportunities
  • A greater role for government agencies in promoting and implementing equal pay and employment opportunity programs in workplaces
  • Proper valuation and funding of wages and conditions for work traditionally carried out by women
  • More opportunities to build skills and participate in the workforce
  • Addressing the superannuation gap between men and women

BPW Australia 2024 EPD Media Release coming soon

The Gender Pay Gap Explained

Spread the news and make a clear statement on Equal Pay Day

Here is what you can do....

Sometimes you don’t notice something until it is no longer there. This Equal Pay Day get involved on social media and your websites with the social media campaign launched by WGEA on 1st July 2024.

Make sure you use the hashtags #whatsmissingmatters #equalpayday #closethegenderpaygap

WGEA will add more social media images to their webpage as the campaign continues. Check back here for additional resources. Please tag BPW Australia and WGEA. 



INSTAGRAM: @wgeagency

LINKEDIN: Workplace Gender Equality Agency

Car with no wheels. Text reads: What's missing matters and yet, on average women are paid 13.3% less than men

5 Things you should know about the Gender Pay Gap

1. The gender pay gap is not ‘equal pay’

2. The gender pay gap starts as soon as women and men enter the workforce

3. The gender pay gap affects men too

4. No industry or occupation is free from the hold of the gender pay gap

5. Everyone has a role to play in closing the gender pay gap

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